Artwork unveiling! Street Party back cover!

News and mews. First, a big unveiling! Drum roll and trumpets, please.. Here’s the back cover of my CD album!

A few years ago, when I started releasing singles on my own, I reached out to Shannon Wheeler to draw some cover images. Eventually it seemed these would make a cool sort of picture-book style lyric booklet. Peter Montgomery went to work designing and coloring it, and voila. It’s unique, printed on matte paper with a bit of a tooth.

You can learn more about the album and pre-order it here!

What else? I enjoy podCATSing sometimes and I don’t know why they ever called them podCASTS in the first place, the rabble. Here’s our latest episode:

Apodalypse Meow

And now it’s Catursunday, and with this despatch, signing off.
THANK YOU for your pre-orders, they mean so much to me. I am very excited about releasing and promoting this album on CD and streaming on Berkeley Cat Records.
Stay well and remember to passionately play with a random ball of string sometimes.

Eric Din

Author: Berkeley Cat Records

We’re from Berkeley. We are cats. We make records.