Cool Vibe is an instrumental horn section feature, composed by UpTones’ trumpet player Scott “Ska-T” Jensen. This was a favorite in our live set at the time, and here it is as recorded live, at the Rheem Theater in Moraga, CA in Nov. 1986.
And so it came to pass, on January the First, Two Thousand and Twenty Four Anno Domini, Eric Din did compose and record a new SKA song, and the happy dancing rabbits did rejoice.
You may find it here, and we encourage this ->
Deejays, radio friends, rabbits and cats, you are also welcome to download the audio and song info from this convenient G-Drive folder for easy access for your shows and blogs and pods and mods.
Happy 2024 from all of us at Berkeley Cat Rabbits.
Footprints In The Sand (Live, Rheem Theater, 1986)
Another one from The UpTones live at the Rheem Theater in Moraga, California on November 8, 1986. Captured on Paul Jackson’s cassette recorder next to the sound board, Footprints In The Sand has never been released previously in any format! Now on Bandcamp:
..and select streaming services, here’s a link to links to some of ’em!->
More to come from this set in coming weeks (we promise!)
Side Effects by FAVES!
Beserkley rock ‘n roll FAVES, with a new original by Larry Lynch and Robbie Dunbar! Video and streaming links herein:
Step Down (Live, Rheem Theater, 1986)
Recorded live at the Rheem Theater in Moraga, California on November 8, 1986 on Paul Jackson’s cassette recorder next to the sound board, Step Down was never recorded in the studio, and this is its first digital release. More to come from this set in coming weeks!
Nonuffya Bizznis And The Private Dancers foist Nostalgianon on unsuspecting public!
Neighbors, shocked! Geese, gandered! Suddenly, a pirate ship appeared before the horizon!
Learn more and listen:
You may contact the artist at
New release coming soon!
A Caterwaul Rebottle!
Eric Din played a solo acoustic set at Down Home Music on August 12, 2023, and now the full audio is now available (again!) to download. This is NOT on the streaming services as it had been, briefly. We didn’t love the way the spoken banter tracks were showing up in random streams, and didn’t want to merge the banter audio with the song tracks, so, the solution is you may DOWNLOAD the album if’n ya like!
Here it is at:
Here’s the original show flier:
Caterwaul along with the fam and cats and doggies!