Greetings one and all, I am SO pleased to announce our FIRST WINNING ENTRY in the OOM CHUGGA REMIX CHALLENGE! And you KNOW I’m excited because cats don’t usually use ALL CAPS. This is a perfect first round, and our friends Micblake, Chris Burger, and Josh Lubensky have set the bar HIGH! These cats totally got the spirit of this endeavor and delivered a powerhouse reinvention of Oom Chugga with some awesome and up to the minute verses. Have a listen, do. And please share it to the moon and back. Thanks!

Micblake & Chris Burger leading the way
What Is This Oom Chugga Remix Challenge?!
We are so glad you asked. Russ Ellis made this fabulous track for his now nearly completed album, Songs From The Garden. And we all thought it would be a great track to invite people to rap or sing or play instruments or rant poetry over, or remix or reboot however the inspiration may strike you. Russ’s theme for this is simple and direct: he wants to motivate people to VOTE, especially young people, to VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!! Go.
How Can I Participate In This?!
Again we are glad you asked! All you need to do is get in touch and let us know who you are and tell us a little about what you have in mind for your remix! Then we may, at our discretion, send you the high-resolution, Dave Ellis-produced, audio STEMS for you to download and have at it. So easy.
Send an email to: oomchugga @ berkeleycatrecords dot com
Your note will be magically delivered to the Oom Chugga Remix Challenge committee. We will review and if it’s approved we will follow up with details and the audio and you can get started pronto!
What Happens If You Like My Remix!?
All approved entries will be added to the Oom Chugga Remix Challenge ALBUM! – a digital release on Berkeley Cat Records which will be hosted at BandCamp and then released to the streaming wilds. Get in touch and we’ll tell you more.
What Does The Original Track Sound Like?!
You ask all the good questions, don’t you? Here is the ORIGINAL, uncut, direct from Ellis Island Studios, song that started us down this path, Oom Chugga!
That address again is: oomchugga @ berkeleycatrecords dot com
I spelled it that way so the bots wouldn’t spam us. Kitties don’t like spam.
Register and VOTE!!