Bond Meets The Godfather in a SKA song!

Because of course he does.

Inspired by a friend’s socialnets post, in which it was discussed whether a particular image was more Bond or more Godfather, it occurred to me the two MUST meet in a ska song. So I recorded this as I wrote it, and it was a blast. Sent the tracks to Tommy and then to Steven and ker-boom-bap, they returned their wonderful takes and I mixed it all together. Last stop was secret dub agent Charles for the Omertà Dub version. John Seabury drew the cover, Michael Romanowski mastered up the audio, and the whole kaboodle goes live on our beloved Bandcamp and in the streamin services Sept. 17, 2022. Pre-order and preview it… HERE!

Author: Berkeley Cat Records

We’re from Berkeley. We are cats. We make records.