Bond Meets The Godfather single, plus Dub and Inskamental versions, goes live this Caturday!

Eric Din returns to his ska musical roots on Bond Meets The Godfather, a new single on Berkeley Cat Records. Featuring Din’s fellow UPTONES founder Thomas White on drums, plus trumpet and flugelbone from brass innovator Steven Bernstein, “Bond” is 100% Berkeley ska. Says Din of the track, “I had this idea one morning that Bond simply must meet the Godfather, and they must meet in a ska song. It made me chuckle, and the music and lyrics spilled right out.” Produced by Mr. Din at his home studio, and mastered by recent 3-time Grammy Award winner Michael Romanowski, this release includes an “Inskamental” mix, and a full-on dub version from fellow Uptones founder, Charles Stella. “The whole thing is really an Uptones affair,” muses Din. “I think if we were playing live currently, we’d hit this.” Perhaps one day they will. But right now, we at Berkeley Cat HQ are aware of no such top-secret plans. Cover art by John Seabury of Psycotic Pineapple completes the all-Berkeley-Cat cast. Bond Meets The Godfather plus Omertà Dub, drops Sept. 17, on Bandcamp and the streaming gizmos.

Bond Meets The Godfather in a SKA song!

Because of course he does.

Inspired by a friend’s socialnets post, in which it was discussed whether a particular image was more Bond or more Godfather, it occurred to me the two MUST meet in a ska song. So I recorded this as I wrote it, and it was a blast. Sent the tracks to Tommy and then to Steven and ker-boom-bap, they returned their wonderful takes and I mixed it all together. Last stop was secret dub agent Charles for the Omertà Dub version. John Seabury drew the cover, Michael Romanowski mastered up the audio, and the whole kaboodle goes live on our beloved Bandcamp and in the streamin services Sept. 17, 2022. Pre-order and preview it… HERE!

FAVES’ new Hit, Here Comes The Rain!

Beloved Beserkley Cats FAVES have a new single and it is burning up the indie rock radio charts right now as I type! We’re so thrilled about this, and here in all its full-dimensional stereo glory, is Here Comes The Rain. Penned by Larry Lynch and Robbie Dunbar of Earth Quake and Greg Kihn Band fame. Joined by the greats Jimmy Jet Spalding, Jonathan Bassil and David Tashinian on guitar, bass, and keys, respectively, this new original was recorded (and FILMED!) at 25th St. Recording in Oakland, with Gabriel Shepard at the dials. Give ‘er a spin right here!

Here’s the VIDEO!

THANKS to Radio Indie Alliance and the deejays and radio shows out there playing this banger, and a HUGE tip o’ the Berkeley Cat hat to Dennis Chuning for his inspired and dedicated promotion work.

AMAZING!  You can also find Here Comes The Rain on your favorite streaming service and we’d love it if you add it your your playlist and share it up. You’ll find links to Apple, Pandora and Spotify here, and it’s also in Amazon, TIDAL, and basically most of them by now. Why? Because yes.

Congrats FAVES and go cats go!!


MANKIND Remix hits the streaming services

It’s Earth Day, and MANKIND, the remix, is now live on the streaming services! Originally conceived in 1976, with music borrowed from a certain unofficial American anthem and sung by ducks, Mankind was conceived and created by a certain maverick record producer using a one-man band on a calliope-meets-player-piano contraption. The YouTube video for the song has been played a bunch since we launched it a year ago, and Pete and I thought this Earth Day would be a fine Earth Day to launch the track onto the Apple Musics and Pandoras and Spotifys of the world.

A motto here is “Every day is Earth Day,” and it’s obviously an attitude that all hoomans should take. As custodians of this planet we have largely failed, and we should do the best we can to correct that while we can, and time is running out fast, and we know this. To be kind to our web-footed friends is really the same as being kind to ourselves, as without nature we are nothing, and every habitat we destroy leads to our demise. I think Pete put it well in this song, and while he may have second thoughts about the duck voice, I LOVE it! This leads me to a tangent, which might get a bit ranty:

This track is unique, and that’s something I like about it, and it’s part of what inspired me to do a remix. In the streaming music world, as with movies on Netflix etc., and basically all of the algorithmically programmed Interwebs, there’s this whole business about recommending things that are somehow similar to other things people have viewed or liked. I find this as ridiculous as it is prevalent. Our tastes can be FAR broader than that and I think we are, by nature, eclectic in our tastes. Meaning, we like lots of different types of things. Which is why I favor curation by thoughtful and knowledgeable hoomans over AI-based programming. Current automatic content programming methods try and push us into little piles surrounded by familiar things, making our intellectual and artistic horizons shrink ever-smaller in little echo-chamber jails. It’s part of what is wrecking public discourse and leading us to despair and societal collapse.

On this Earth Day we at Berkeley Cat Records celebrate our diversity and uniqueness, AND the things that bind our interests and loves together, like, the need for clean air and water, and our desire for peace and prosperity for our kids.  And FOR all that, we had better be kind to our web-footed friends.

OK, maybe that wasn’t so ranty after all. Here’s Pete, with a question:

A Rainy Caturday in Northern Catafornia

Eric Din’s debut album is now live in the streaming services! Mostly ALL of them, Belvedere, find links in this handy widget. CD is still available here for thems of yous who want actual thing-ness. Here’s a photo of it, by drummer extraordinaire Thomas White, on the very drums he played on This Place Isn’t Here Anymore.

AND! Pretty soon this CD will be available in ONE retail record store in the entire known universe! We’ll shout about that when it’s there but for now, more mews:

Margaret Cho is a ska fan, singing the praises of Fishbone, Skankin Pickle, Op Ivy and (what!) The Uptones! On Aaron Carnes’ whirrled famous In Defense Of Ska Podcast, behold

Comeback Pete prepares the release of Eric Din’s REMIX of MANKIND for Earth Day, pre-save it here! More on this unique track and Pete’s amazing story, here soon.

There’s more? Yes, Batagonia, there’s MOAR!!

We’re loading up the Cat-Cannon with Nonuffya Bizznis and the Private Dancers’ first single on Berkeley Cat Records, Safe Pair Of Hands! Exciting. Intriguing. Some of you may know them.

And that’s it, all the relevant mews of the day. Don’t take catnip from unreliable sources, get plenty of sleep, and remember to leap about spontaneously and pounce on random balls of string.

Yours terrifically, speaking as we do in the 3rd person plural about ourselves,

Eric Roy Dinwiddie

Eric Din’s Street Party – exclusive full album preview on Brooklyn Vegan today!

It’s loose! The cat’s outta the bag! For the first time you can hear this whole album, online, for free, OMFG!!! Yes we’re excited, what a nice preview, and we’d love it if you’d share this link with your friends and luvs today. Thanks! Hope you enjoy <3
