We’ve submitted the RSS feed for Berkeley Cat Records PodCats to Apple for world-wide kittypod foistribution. We’ve also upgraded our Simplecast account so now I can embed the show here and not just individual episodes. Shocking progress. We like to embed because cats like beds and are often embedded in guitar cases, boxes and other cozy spaces which were obviously created for us to embed in. Here’s a pic of The Great Cat Burley, co-founder of Berkeley Cat Records, proving the Theory Of Spontaneous Open Guitar Case Cat Generation (TOSOGCCG) for which we await our Nobel.

Now let’s try the embedpodding..
W00t! It works! We are amazed. Our PodCats is the worlds greatest PodCats in that it is the only one.
Simplecats (oops) Simplecast! makes distribution very easy (simple, if you will) and we at BCR World Corporate Headquarters (my bedroom) have decided to try many, purrhaps even all of them. Click the play button above and give ‘er a whirl! It’ll play the most recent episode and run back thru time like sci-fi magic. So fancy.