A very special July 4th release, here is “Mankind” by Comeback Pete! This track was recorded in 1976 and released as a single on Beserkley Records. It’s long been a favorite here at Berkeley Cat Records, and when Son Of Pete announced his return, like cats we pounced! A unique song from a unique artist, this is our Interdependence Day anthem here at BCR world headquarters.
“Mankind” has a straightforward message – Nature and mankind are one – and while it’s astonishing that humans could ever have the hubris to think otherwise, here we are, destroying the earth.
Pete has a straightforward message too – VOTE! Our web-footed friends don’t get to the polls, so it is our duty to never miss an election as fellow citizens of this planet. Pete wears it on his forehead.
Comeback Pete has a blog where you can keep up with his activities and efforts. And we’ll be releasing more music from Pete here as 2020 continues to unfold. A Beserkley Cat at Berkeley Cat!? Who woulda thunkit?! We are very proud and delighted to welcome Pete to BCR, and a little bird tells me we’ll see some other Beserkley kitties moseying in soon too!

Vote. Save the world. We can do it.